Thursday 1 September 2016

Developing Initial Ideas - Idea One

An evil queen serves as the antagonist. This adds the essential 'dark' element to the 'dark fantasy' genre.
Narrative (Synopsis)
An evil queen is banishing all fairy tale stories but her own, and is making people forget them. A courageous princess must prevent her from doing so before it is too late and they are removed from history. This character acts as the protagonist/hero.

Advantages and Disadvantages of choosing this idea
The main advantage of choosing this idea is that it is the first idea that came to mind when thinking of dark fantasy. It is the one that my instincts tell me to pursue. I would say that it is the one that I have developed the most so far.
The major disadvantage of choosing to pursue this idea is that it might be difficult to avoid clichés and execute the idea imaginatively. The locations could be a challenge. However, selecting this idea would allow me to explore the "classical" notion of fantasy - what you would stereotypically think of.I could also investigate the concept of innocence turning evil.

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