Sunday 4 September 2016

Developing Initial Ideas - Idea Three

This idea encompasses the stereotypical view of fantasy films, other worldly and mystical.

Narrative (Synopsis)
Two teenagers lose their way whilst on a walk in the forest. Cynical and carefree, they joke about Hansel and Gretel to keep themselves amused. Little do they know, there is a weird and wonderful world that awaits them beyond the clearing...

Advantages and Disadvantages of choosing this idea

One distinct advantage of choosing this idea is that the setting is obvious (a forest). There are forests near where I live so this will mean that traveling to locations when doing a location recce and filming will be less time consuming. This idea also allows to explore and experiment with special effects. A disadvantage is that I would have to think creatively to create original characters. I would not want these to be too heavily influenced by other media products.

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