Thursday 29 September 2016

Planning: Timeline of my idea - Potential Shot List (with dialogue)

1) Institutional logos
2) Camera shots - CU of rotting fruit or similar
3) Shot of someone writing (In capitals) 'Neverland, Never Again"
While the above shots are playing on screen, the sound consists of the voice over below:
VOICE OVER: (fairy tale character - unspecified) If only people knew what it was really like here when the books were thrown away. Torn up. Forgotten. Every time someone forgets, we suffer. You might think that's okay, that there's enough people to make us last. Not anymore.
    ND Sound starts - Soundtrack
4) CU of Evil Queen waking up (blinking-opening eyes)
5) Fade to black
6) Shot of fairy tale book opening - Mid shot
7) Shot of EVIL QUEEN: For once I will be the most powerful. shall live happily ever after. Those poor people won't know what's got into them.
8 - Fade to black - Titles 'This Christmas'
9) shot of someone running their finger through the book
10) Fade to Black - Titles - "Magic will turn to malice"
11) Mid shot of Queen - Soon everyone will know the only story worth telling".
Fade to black - Sound Bridge - Next shot starting (just audio)CHILDREN/PEOPLE: (chanting) You must forget. You must forget.
12) CHILD/PERSON: What story's that? (this and shot below in same scene)
13) CU of EVIL QUEEN: Mine, of course.
14) From the studio that brought you "Crowns"
15) People marching
16) Fade to black - Titles - "Comes the gripping new fantasy"
17) Ripping up pages - long shot
18) Girl - red lipstick and looking in mirror - Medium close up
19) Fade to black - mirror breaking sound effect
20) XCU of people's eyes - red
21) EVIL QUEEN: Time is running out!
22) girl running - sound over top: (insert time left of trailer)
23) Evil Queen - "once upon a time will never exist"

VOICE OVER: (fairy tale character) Please, you have to help. If more people remember, it is less likely we will get forgotten. We need to stop her, before its too late.
24) Main title slide - music reaches crescendo
25) cast credits
26) Date of release

Note that timeline/order of shots is subject to change before filming. When editing, some scenes/shots may be cut or reordered

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