Thursday 29 September 2016

Planning - Scripting my idea

I am finding it difficult to think of a location where I can film my fantasy trailer. In order to get a clearer idea of what I need, I have decided to produce a draft script. I will add suitable camera shots to this later.*

VOICE OVER: (fairy tale character - unspecified) If only people knew what it was really like here when the books were thrown away. Torn up. Forgotten. Every time someone forgets, we suffer. You might think that's okay, that there's enough people to make us last. Not anymore.

EVIL QUEEN: For once I will be the most powerful. I shall live happily ever after. Those poor people won't know what's got into them.

CHILDREN/PEOPLE: (chanting) You must forget. You must forget.

EVIL QUEEN: Time is running out!

VOICE OVER: (fairy tale character) Please, you have to help. If more people remember, it is less likely we will get forgotten. We need to stop her, before its too late.

* As this only a draft, the script is subject to change. However, I want to place more focus on mise en scene, editing and camera than dialogue/voice overs. I want to explore how camera can be used to convey emotion, and look at the role everything plays in the shot, rather than solely what the characters are saying. I plan to use a non diegetic soundtrack to build up to /denote points of tension.

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