Thursday 8 September 2016

General Feedback from Initial Idea Pitches

See Initial Ideas Post for powerpoint of pitches

My focus group gave me very constructive feedback. They said that the first idea was very original and interesting; they had not heard of it before. They confirmed doubts I had about the mise en scene, the location would be fundamental to the success of the trailer. 

For Idea Two, the feedback was positive, my focus group thought it would be easier for me to film. To make it more original, they suggested that I combine elements of idea one and two together. For example, keep the concept of the evil queen, but she is possessing children who are carrying out her evil deeds for her. When I mentioned that I didn't know how to make it more fantastical, they said I could keep the fantasy characters and decide whether I want to place emphasis on the horror element of dark fantasy.

For Idea Three, the focus group suggested that whilst the location would be obvious, they were in agreement that it would be difficult to create the fantastical elements. One member informed me that there was already a film similar to this, and it may be hard to make it different.

In the end, the group suggested that my idea(s) would probably be used best if I picked elements of ideas one and two and merged them together. This is something that I will consider going forward to making the product. I am going to plan this idea further to see if it works. If it does not flow when storyboarding and in other aspects of planning, then I will attempt Idea One.

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