Tuesday 27 September 2016

Choosing an idea

Following the feedback from my initial ideas, I have decided to act on the feedback and merge the two ideas together, as the focus group suggested.

I am going to combine elements of idea one and two. The narrative will still be based around fairytales, this will be evident through sound and mise en scene. The evil queen is ordering people and children to destroy fairytales so that every fairytale character gets forgotten but her own. From the perspective of a fairytale character, we hear what is happening through a voice over at the start.

This idea allows fairytales to provide the basis for the film trailer, but makes it easier to film as it does not require me to create the character of the brave princess. The evil queen will serve as the antagonist for the trailer. Rather than there being a protagonist, the fairytale characters are the victims for the (film) trailer. This will evoke audience pleasures because such as excitement because the audience will them to survive. The idea will also ensure that the "dark" element of dark fantasy is conveyed.

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