Tuesday 2 August 2016

Initial Ideas

I have decided to create a dark fantasy trailer. This mixes elements of fantasy and horror together. Examples of dark fantasy films include: Coraline (2009) Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) and Edward Scissorhands (1990). 
Idea One
I want to explore the world of fairy tales and what happens when people stop believing in them. An evil queen is banishing all fairy tale stories and removing them from the memories of people, but the characters are real. A brave princess must stop the queen before the fairy tales are gone forever. The malicious queen will do everything she can to prevent her. I am most inclined to do this idea but it would take a lot of planning in order not to be cliché.
Idea Two
This idea leans towards the horror side of dark fantasy. Innocent children are being kidnapped and led to an unknown destiny by the epitome of evil. If I were to select this idea, I would be able to develop my abilities in using special effects, e.g. demonizing the children.
Idea Three
Two teenagers lose their way whilst going for a walk in the forest. To amuse themselves, they joke about Hansel and Gretel. However, unbeknownst to them a weird and wonderful world awaits beyond the clearing...  The setting would be obvious for this but I would have to think about the fantastical elements.

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