Tuesday 27 September 2016

Initial Ideas for Target Audience

What is Target Audience?
The Target Audience is the demographic that producers and directors aim to entertain and make a film for. The target audience can be identified using a number of things:
  • Stereotypes - Regardless of whether it is right or wrong, the media will often use stereotypes to determine the target audience. For example, romance films are stereotypically aimed at girls and women.
  • BBFC Rating - ratings will determine the age(s) of people watching the film.
  • Surveys - Sometimes surveys will be used to determine the target audience of a film. People will answer questions to help the filmmaker decide whether certain groups will find the film interesting or not.
  • Previous films - bigger production companies may be able to use previous films to provide a basis for the target audience. For example, if Disney are making an animated princess movie, they may be able to see that Cinderella (1950) was popular with young children. However, nowadays Disney perhaps has to worry less about audiences because they are able to produce 'tentpole' films.
Initial Ideas for the Target Audience
My instincts tell me that I should make the film a 12/12A. This is because I think that pre teens/teenagers will be able to appreciate the fantasy elements more so than adults. I think this is because teenagers are frequently exposed to a digital world where they lose sense of reality. Therefore they may be able to comprehend the fantastical elements more easily. Also, at 12 and up, I think children would be old enough to cope with darker plots. 

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