Saturday 8 October 2016

Theory: Barthes' Referential Code

The referential code is a term attached to anything that could reference external aspects, such as a historical, social, economic or political event. Often the referential code works on the assumption that there is a shared frame of reference. This means that both encoder and decoder have similar understandings and level of knowledge relating to these events.

Example of the referential code in film

The 1993 film Schindler's List makes frequent use of the referential code. For example, the Plaszow camp road used in the film is an exact replica of the real road. People would need a knowledge of history to be aware of this. Additionally, the red coat worn by the girl is a syntactic (symbol) element which acts as a motif, and represents the "red flag" which the Jewish used to wave at allies in order to try and receive help. Therefore by having this knowledge, it again suggests that the audience will be able to gain deeper meanings.

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