Monday 10 October 2016

Mood board: Location ideas

I have decided to create a mood board to help me consolidate my understanding of location and any potential location ideas. Some scenes are simple enough for me to film at home, I haven't included that on the mood board. I am planning to film outside because I feel like it will not restrict the narrative as much. Also, it will be easier for me to meet the conventions of location for the fantasy genre.

Mood board (location)

Images retrieved from:
Top left (forest)
Bottom left (Queen's temple, photo by Nigel Cox)
Bottom central (Grotto)
Top right (Gothic House)gothic-temple-1.jpg (image address) website with image on is
Bottom right

The Gothic House, Grotto and Queen's Temple are located nearby at a National Trust property. This place was my first thought when I was considering external locations because I knew there was lots of majestic buildings.

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