Thursday 13 October 2016


Synopses help the audience to understand the basic narrative and gist of the film. Synopses are important in all three stages of the film process. In the production, the filmmaker needs to have a consolidated idea of what the narrative involves before they start. However, ideas may evolve as filming gets underway, and this may lead to changes in the synopsis of the film. These changes are not usually major.
In terms of promotion, synopses are important but perhaps less so than in the production stages. Trailers are other mediums used to promote films often utilise the synopsis. However, they use it as a foundation to build on the story. Trailers create a more fluid narrative than synopses because they offer a visual aid for the audience. In distribution it is important because DVDs need an explanation of what the film is about so that the audience can preempt what is going to happen. The synopsis may also be important in exhibition and distribution in relation to the classification or rating of films.

My film is based around the concept of a fairy tale world gone wrong. An evil queen is cursing people and getting them to destroy every fairytale but her own. However, this has disastrous consequences for the people of the fairy tale world. Can she be stopped before it is too late?

Conforming to the conventions of dark fantasy
My synopsis conforms to the conventions of the dark fantasy genre because it possesses the theme of curses. The fairy tale element provides the fantasy part of the genre. There is also the idea of a central antagonist who wants power, as well as victims who are succumbed to a miserable fate. Despite this, I want to convey undertones which give the audience hope, for example magic and resilience. 

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