Sunday 23 October 2016

The relationship between films and trailers - Maleficent (2014)

The role of the trailer
Trailers show the best bits of the film in order to promote it and make people want to go and see the film. The film is portrayed in the best possible light as so to generate more revenue for the film company.

Understanding the significance of the trailer in relation to the film
The film reassures people of Maleficent's good traits. This is important as the primary audience would be children and their families, they wouldn't want to be unecessarily disturbed. In contrast, the trailer puts more emphasis on the darker side to Maleficent, characterising her as a villain. This is in keeping with the dark fantasy genre.

Important points of the film/Inciting moments
At around eleven minutes, there is a battle scene. This uses CGI to ensure that the creatures look imposing yet it also creates verisimilitude, even though the characters are fantastical. They appear scarier and so have more of an impact on the audience.
At 31 minutes, Maleficent bestows a curse on Aurora. This is significant because it sets up the classic fairy tale story of Sleeping Beauty. Shortly before this, (approximately 29 minutes, Maleficent makes her entrance at Aurora's christening. Here the mood immediately changes from positive to tense, which demonstrates the power which Maleficent possesses.

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