Monday 24 October 2016

Research: Independent films

I have decided to research examples of independent films and the features of them to decide what I'm going to classify my film as and how it will impact on the trailer. (For example whether it would be promoted as a conglomerate film or independent film)
Independent films are sometimes known as indie films.

What are independent films?
Independent films are those which are made entirely or mostly outside of the major film system. They are also produced and distributed by independent film agencies. Independent films are sometimes different in content and the creative way in which the director's artistic vision comes into fruition.
Independent films often have lower budgets than those produced in the major studios (for example by conglomerates). This is because they have less resources and are those involved are frequently not as well known in the industry.

Categorizing films
In the 1930s, there was a kind of pecking order that evolved within the film industry. At the top of this pecking order were five major studios: Metro-Goldwyn Mayer, Paramount Pictures, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros. and RKO Pictures. These could usually make highly successful films with larger budgets. Many of these names remain prolific today. Then there were 3 smaller but relatively well known companies: United Artists, Columbia Pictures and Universal Studios. Lastly there were those known as Poverty Row. This defined any small company who managed to move up the ranks in the film industry. Examples of these are Republic Pictures and Monogram Pictures.

Notes on Blindness (2016) is a documentary film produced by Archer's Mark, in association with Fee Fie Foe Films and 104 films, co-produced by Agat Films and CIE and ARTE France. It was written by and directed Peter Middleton and James Spinney.
After losing history sight, just before the birth of his son, John Hull was determined to know as much as he could about blindness so that it didn't get the better of him. He began keeping an audio diary. Throughout three years, John recorded over 16 hours of material, discovering more and more about the interior world of blindness.The documentary charts his experiences of life, encompassing love, loss and much more.
The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival 2016 as well as winning the Special Jury Prize at the 59th San Fransisco Film Festival and the Wellcome Trust Innovation and Storytelling Award at Sheffield Doc/Fest.
A Virtual Reality Project premiered alongside the feature film at the Sundance Film Festival 2016. This is called Notes on Blindness: Into Darkness.

Gasland (2010) is a political cinema documentary written and directed by Josh Fox. The film focusses on communities in the USA affected by natural gas drilling. More specifically, a method of horizontal drilling into shale fractions. This is referred to as hydraulic fracturing. The film is regarded as a key mobiliser in the anti-fracking movement. Gasland is Fox's first documentary and second film. It was edited by Matthew Sanchez and produced by Trish Adlesic, Molly Gandour, and David Roma alongside Josh Fox. It is distributed by New Video, Group/HBO/ International and WOW company. The duration of the film is 104 minutes, and it was first shown at the Sundance Film Festival on 24 January 2010. The film received largely positive reception, with Robert Koehler of Variety calling it "one of the most effective and expressive environmental films of recent years". 
However, the film also gained some negative criticism. There is a web page listing factual inaccuracies with the film. This is launched by the Independent Petroleum Association of America. 

Gasland (2010) trailer 

Sunday 23 October 2016

The relationship between films and trailers - Maleficent (2014)

The role of the trailer
Trailers show the best bits of the film in order to promote it and make people want to go and see the film. The film is portrayed in the best possible light as so to generate more revenue for the film company.

Understanding the significance of the trailer in relation to the film
The film reassures people of Maleficent's good traits. This is important as the primary audience would be children and their families, they wouldn't want to be unecessarily disturbed. In contrast, the trailer puts more emphasis on the darker side to Maleficent, characterising her as a villain. This is in keeping with the dark fantasy genre.

Important points of the film/Inciting moments
At around eleven minutes, there is a battle scene. This uses CGI to ensure that the creatures look imposing yet it also creates verisimilitude, even though the characters are fantastical. They appear scarier and so have more of an impact on the audience.
At 31 minutes, Maleficent bestows a curse on Aurora. This is significant because it sets up the classic fairy tale story of Sleeping Beauty. Shortly before this, (approximately 29 minutes, Maleficent makes her entrance at Aurora's christening. Here the mood immediately changes from positive to tense, which demonstrates the power which Maleficent possesses.

Saturday 22 October 2016

Investigating Audio

To help me get a clearer idea of the atmosphere I want my trailer to create, I have decided to investigate audio soundtracks I can use as inspiration. I want it to be eerie in order to adhere to the darker element, yet also sound fantastical. I do not plan to use these in my trailer, they are purely for inspiration.

Song: Once Upon A Dream (From Disney's Maleficent)
Artist: Lana Del Rey
Why I like it: The song has been slowed down to sound more sinister and mystical. However, it maintains a fairy tale feel, it is a newer and different rendition of "Once Upon A Dream", (Sometimes called "An Unusual Prince/Once Upon A Dream from Disney's Sleeping Beauty.)

I have found a video of the Sleeping Beauty version so that a comparison can be made, and you can see how they have transformed the Maleficent version to fit the genre of the film.

Song: Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Artist: Lorde
The contemporary version of this older song is very tense and would suit the action that I intend to include, especially towards the end of the trailer. The song is included in The Hunger Games soundtrack which demonstrates the suitability of the track. I like that the concept of the song is ruling, and the Evil Queen is a power hungry character.
I did have a video for this from YouTube but it was not official and there were some issues with regards to availability so I have not included a video.

Sunday 16 October 2016

Planning: Risks and Hazards Assessment

Risk or Hazard
Chance of risk or hazard occurring
Consequence of risk or hazard occurring
How to minimize the risk
Extreme Weather Conditions
Medium – getting into winter time it means that there is a higher chance of bad weather. However, I have categorised it as a medium risk because unless very bad, the weather is unlikely to stop filming.
Medium – this is a medium risk situation because it would mean that filming is delayed, making it harder to stick to a time schedule. The consequences would change to high if extreme weather conditions continually occurred. Overcast weather would be alright because of the dark element, the weather would reflect the mood.  There are not that many external scenes but they are necessary to have because of the stereotypical mise en scene for the fantasy genre.
I will minimize the risk of extreme weather conditions by filming as early as is possible so that the weather has a better chance of being dry.
If it was raining heavily, I would be sensible and consider whether it would be better to postpone filming to day(s) where the weather was more appropriate and did not impede on filming as much. If it was necessary, then filming would be postponed.
Damage to/loss of equipment

Low – I have not yet decided whether I will use school equipment or my personal equipment for filming. I will take care when using equipment.
High – if loss of or damage to equipment were to occur, there would be consequences financially for me. If I used school equipment the school would also be impacted until I paid to get new equipment. Other students may also be affected if there is less equipment for them to use.
In terms of filming, damaging/losing the equipment would be detrimental as I could no longer film using the devices, delaying filming. I may not be trusted with equipment and so it might not be easy to use other equipment.
I will take extra care and precautionary measures when using the equipment. If I decide to use my own equipment the risk will be minimised because I know how to use it better. If I loan equipment from school I want to know what to do prior to filing and take extra care when navigating the devices.

Risk or hazard
Chance of risk or hazard occurring

Consequence(s) of risk or hazard occurring
How to minimise the risk
Unable to get in contact with cast members
Low – I have various ways of contacting cast members, such as through social media. I also see them often so could easily talk to them. I live in the same town as or close by to all cast members.
This would be difficult as it may mean that filming days would have to be delayed or even rescheduled.
Making sure all cast members have prior warning of filming days, and multiple methods of contacting them.
Accessibility to location
Medium – as it is an external location, there is a chance that it is inaccessible with a wheelchair (I am disabled). However I have supervision and have chosen accessible places.
We would have to change the schedule and shoot footage in an alternative location.
Stowe is a place I have visited many times; so I have chosen the most accessible places. The filming day is being supervised by an ambulant person, my father.
We have hired a buggy to take us around, ensuring we get to places quicker.