Friday 14 April 2017

Making my magazine cover draft

I decided to use Pages to do this as it was a programme that I am confident in. Firstly I set the document layout to A4 and imported the image. When I resized it, I held down the shift key to ensure that it didn't go really pixelated. As it main image, I made sure that it took up at least half the page. Then I layered the masthead over the top. I decided to go for the name 'Movie Magazine' as I thought it was simple and that the alliteration would be effective. 
Underneath this, I wrote the slogan "The Best News Movie News and Reviews" because it serves to sum up the magazine and the rhyming makes it easier to remember- if the magazine was a real commercial product, it would need some way of standing out and people remembering it so as to gain readership. Instead of putting the selling line around this area I decided to put it on the lower lefthand side of the magazine, so it is not obtrusive and more discreet. This involves the price and barcode.

Next I decided to work on the main cover line. Above this I wrote "ON SET EXCLUSIVE!" in American Typewriter, which contributed to my house style as my chosen font. The house style colours are red, black and white. "Exclusive " is a word that I frequently came across in my research; it is a buzz word which acts to excite and engage a potential reader, making them believe that they are in a privileged position. Therefore it is something that I wanted to incorporate into my own work. I made the text of the title of the film relatively large (58 pt) so that it was obvious what the magazine is promoting. To create synergy between my products, I decided to make the Malice typography the same font as in my trailer, and furthered the connection by applying a shadow outline to the piece of text. Then I added in more cover lines - covers often state what else is in the magazine besides the main story. I have put the coverlines together.

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