Tuesday 25 April 2017

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? 
Mindmap of media technologies used


  • These stages involved me first consulting the list of possible briefs to select the one I felt I was most interested in.
  • To develop an understanding of my chosen brief (promotional package for a film encompassing a trailer, poster and magazine cover) I used Microsoft Word to take a screenshot of the specification and underlined the parts which were most relevant.
Using Media technologies in the research and planning stage

  • The primary media technology I used at this stage was YouTube, a video sharing platform.
  • This allowed me to explore existing real media products so that I could emulate the form of a trailer as much as possible.
  • Using a web browser or search engine is a prerequisite for using YouTube. In order to gain accurate and useful results, I had to know what to search for. This perhaps hindered my use of media technologies because I stayed within the realms of my existing knowledge, searching for trailers I had heard of as opposed to other trailers which could expanded my knowledge of the medium further. For example, other trailers could have made more creative use of transitions which I could have applied to my own production. This was also the case for when I was conducting research regarding my ancillary products. When watching trailers, I made mental notes which I then transferred in writing straight onto ‘Blogger’. This was good because it meant that the analyses could be completed quicker, but on reflection using technologies such as Microsoft Word or Apple Notes would have been better. This is because writing or typing notes would allow me to articulate and organize my thoughts better before going into the analyses.
  • I also used YouTube to embed these trailers into ‘Blogger’, as a way of illustrating the points I made.
  • Whilst Adobe Premiere Pro was my chosen editing software, to begin with I decided to create a draft version of my trailer using iMovie. This was because I was already familiar with iMovie from making my AS coursework production. I found the software to be less complicated and easier to navigate. This gave me a clearer idea of where to start and allowed me to see what kind of product I wanted to create in Premiere.
    • I found this to invaluable as it gave me a sense of direction; I was beginning to lose faith in my abilities as I found Premiere to be so perplexing and a little overwhelming. On reflection, I appreciate that this did not advance my skills as much as I would have liked because I was perhaps not as experimental as I could have been with Premiere. In addition to this, iMovie only has pre-loaded titles, which restricted my ability to experiment with and envisage titles. As a result, the element of my production which involved using typography and titles was less planned than I would have liked. 
    • Using this technology had mostly positive outcomes, but it was time consuming. However it probably took less time than using trial and error in Premiere.
    • I used PREMIERE PRO to edit my footage. I found the razor tool particularly useful so I could be as accurate as possible when cutting the footage.
    • I used GARAGEBAND to edit and enhance the non diegetic soundtrack. As a result, it had a more positive effect on my trailer.
    • With regards to my ancillary products I used InDesign and Adobe Photoshop - InDesign for the magazine cover and Photoshop for the poster. I feel that this helped to give a more professional look to my products as they are chosen softwares in the media industry.
  • To present my evaluations I used a variety of media technologies such as YOUTUBE and POWERPOINT. I created a survey using SURVEYMONKEY, and online survey builder so I was able to gain feedback on my products. I also used KEYNOTE and POWERPOINT to export files to mp4 videos so that they were more interactive.
  • I feel that I have learned a great deal about media technologies this year.
* Sorry about the format, I made this first on Keynote then copied it to blogger.

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