Wednesday 12 April 2017

Ancillary Product Research - Genre Specific Magazine Cover Analysis 1

Here is a magazine cover promoting Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)
The Magazine cover 

The masthead is large to make readers aware of the magazine they are reading. This is part of their selling point as it helps to make the magazine recognisable. The white writing contrasts with the dark background to make it more eye catching for the reader.The last letter of the masthead is covered up by the head of one of the characters in the image. This could suggest that the image is of paramount importance to the magazine cover as it effectively communicates the essence of the film.

A barcode is included to remind the reader that the magazine is a commercial product. It follows the convention of being placed in the corner, this reflects that it is not that important in promoting the film.

Tag Line
The tag line "The Fairest Of Them All " is a reference to Snow White and offers the reader more information than the title which you are conditioned to read first. "Fairest" is a superlative and so will make the reader believe they are in a privileged position. It is in capitals which makes it stand out against the title. This is furthered by the use of a different colour.

Colour Scheme and House Style

The colour scheme is based on gender neutral colours of white, yellow and pale green. This suggests that the producers of the magazine believe the film could target a wide demographic and both genders. White connotes innocence and purity which could relate to both the character of Snow White and the concept of fairytales. Additionally, it could be a reference to the devotion of the magazine to movie content. The yellow has both positive and negative connotations .It primarily connotes brightness and so this could reference to the wants and needs of younger children, substantiating the idea that Snow White is an innocent story. However, it is not fluorescent and is a darker shade of yellow which suggests there are scarier moments in the narrative.  The green colour is quite muted and so again suggests the idea of innocence which is associated with fairy tales.  The low key lighting of the main image contrasts with this and therefore makes the green and yellow stand out.  This makes it more eye catching for a potential reader and so the magazine conforms to its purpose of promoting the film.

Main Image 
The image subverts the expectations of a usual magazine cover because it features three different characters rather than one main protagonist.  Therefore we can infer that they have prominence within the narrative.  However the character in the middle is in the foreground of the image which suggests that she is slightly more significant in the story than the others; perhaps she plays the role of Snow White. One of the characters uses direct address to engage the viewer in reading the magazine.  The other characters have a more submissive look which suggests that they like to avoid confrontation.  Therefore by looking directly at the reader the male is conforming to their stereotypical gender role of participating in conflict.  This role is furthered because by doing so they are also conforming to society's preconception of males as strong and able people.  There are sparks in the background of the image which implies that the narrative encompasses war and tragedy or rebellion.  This is conventional of films within the dark fantasy genre.

"Australia's Best Movie Magazine" is a strong statement, but it helps to build up readership. The superlative "Best" makes the reader feel fortunate to be provided with the "Best" movie news and gossip.  

Evaluation and Critical reflection
This is an effective cover as it successfully communicates the essence of the film to a reader or potential reader. 

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