Friday 14 April 2017

Ancillary Product research - genre specific Magazine cover analysis 3


The masthead is large to promote the company making the magazine. The white typography connects with the main cover line of 'Harry Potter 7'. White connotes innocence, goodness and purity, Harry Potter is the protagonist and so it links to his heroic qualities within the franchise. However, the red outline suggests that there is an element of danger within the film and also links to the main colour of the magazine cover. The masthead is covered by the main image of the protagonist and so it suggests that the main image is more important to potential readers in promoting the film. The puff in the masthead is stating that the magazine offers 'The World's Best Movie Reviews'. This makes the reader believe that they are in a privileged position. 

Main Image

The image is central to the magazine cover and this reflects its significance in promotion the film. The image partially covers the main coverline 'Harry Potter 7' and so this suggests that Harry Potter is an iconic character because usually this text is placed on the top layer of the design so that the reader is clear which film is being promoted - whereas the disruption of this coverline does not impede the recognition as Harry Potter, and Daniel Radcliffe himself are both easily recognisable. 

Coverline - Left Hand Side

The transition from white to grey text implies that Harry was innocent in school/earlier films but now he has to face the real world his character is more morally ambiguous. This coverline uses the rule of three to create impact for the reader. The question mark at the end of the coverline leaves the reader wondering whether Harry can 'cut it in the real world' and his role in the narrative, making them want to read the article inside the magazine.

Other Coverlines
The other coverlines use sibilance to have more impact. The use of exclamation marks creates an excited tone and gives the reader a taste of what can be found inside the magazine. Specifically, the superlative "greatest" substantiates the positivity and sense of privileged position that the magazine has established for its readers. Again, a triadic structure (three coverlines on right hand side) is used. 

"The modern guide to movies" uses alliteration to help the statement flow better, and is perhaps suggestive of the demographic that the magazine is trying appeal to. "Modern" has connotations of the technologically able, younger generation, so perhaps the movies included will substantiate this.  

The barcode and banner reiterate that the magazine is a commercial product sold primarily for profit. The banner uses the "buzz word" 'PLUS!" to emphasise the amount of content that is featured in the magazine. Furthermore, the second person pronoun "you" in itallics makes a direct appeal to the reader, resulting in more impact. 

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