Tuesday 4 April 2017

Ancillary Products: Poster Outline

I have produced an outline of my poster to give me a general idea of the layout.

Poster outline/layout
I have decided to make my poster predominantly composed of a main image as this is the thing which catches the attention of the audience, which would help it conform to its purpose of promoting the film. The star system is at the top; if cast members are not well known this is usually less visible but still included. Alternatively, positioning it like this may help to boost the status of the cast because it may be the first thing the audience/passer by sees; in the Western world we tend to read left to right, top to bottom. The title and tag line, as well as release date are more visible as these are key in promoting the film. These are at the foreground of the image to suggest their prominence. I have then left a space for other information which is standard and necessary to include on a full theatrical release poster, such as the rating and production companies involved. These are less visible because they play less of a role in promoting the film.

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