Sunday 9 April 2017

Editing my poster draft

I made the changes as outlined in Feedback from first draft of poster. (Post can be accessed by clicking here - opens a new window).
After comments about the positioning/size of Lara in the main image were substantiated by my teacher, I decided to use the lasso tool to bring Lara in the poster again, making her larger and more representative of the photo.
I was conscious that the red eyes would be cliché as it is so frequently done, especially after it was mentioned when I asked for feedback. As a result, I have taken the decision not to adjust the colour of Lara's eyes as I felt that this was too suggestive of the horror genre rather than fantasy.
When changing the colour of the tagline/slogan, I decided to look at the blending options before settling on outer glow, which gave the text a more "3D" look that I felt was effective. I did similar to the main title and increased the size so that it became  obvious that this was more important than the slogan, as well as making the release date easily readable - this is significant as the poster is often a promotional tool aimed at increasing box office takings.
In modifying the tagline I increased the font size slightly so that it corresponded better with the title.  I then changed the additional information at the bottom of the poster to white as I felt this was more appropriate and conventional.
To give parts of the picture of the overlaid face prominence in the poster, I decided to get rid of surplus borders and first used the blur tool to do so. However, this was unsuccessful. Then I used an eraser tool which worked well and defined the picture. 
To get rid of the blank space in the overlaid picture of the hand I used the magic eraser tool to select and clear this.
I used the selection tool to experiment with the size of the main image. I decided to make it larger to ensure that this image was the main focus of the poster.
I decided to make Lara's lips pink in order to correspond with the colour of the tagline. I aligned this tagline to the centre of the poster. I brought the text to the front of the poster.

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