Wednesday 21 December 2016

Production: Equipment used

Here is an overview of the equipment I used for filming:

Panasonic SDC700 Recorder
This was a good choice of equipment because it was one of the high quality video cameras at my school, resulting in a more professional and sophisticated appearance of the footage.They are also quite simple to use and so this did not detract time away from the filming process. I was confident in how to keep the  camera safe and away from breakages, which helped greatly when I was filming away from school.

Panasonic SDC700 

Velbon CX-888
This tripod helped to stabilise the camera, preventing the footage captured from being shaky. It was  sturdy so I wasn't concerned about the camera falling off. The fact that you could manoeuvre the tripod to a range of heights and positions helped me to capture a variety of shots. 


Lighting Rig
I used a lighting rig to make my product look more sophisticated and also to make it easier to see. It was initially difficult to set up but eventually it was alright. 
I rejected a flip cam because of the low quality. 

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