Tuesday 20 December 2016

Production: Lighting

Internal location
The internal location I used was the Drama Studio at my school. As this is quite a dark room (there is not much natural light), I wanted to use additional lighting to make my coursework production look more sophistication. Therefore I booked a lighting rig. This encompassed a 300 Watt Broadbeam Halogen light, 800 Watt Broadbeam Halogen light and a 300 Watt Halogen spot light (dimmable). 
An example of a shot with additional lighting
After a while I experimented "with purple lighting" and found this to be a success also. This involved placing a purple filter/material in front of the light. 
An example of "purple lighting"
External locationAt the external location (Stowe Landscape Gardens), I decided to film with and adapt to natural lighting to be in keeping with the theme of nature often exhibited in fantasy films. This would also show a contrast. 

The above two pictures are examples of footage taken with natural lighting.

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