Monday 5 December 2016

Possible Film Titles and Experimenting with Fonts

I am aware that this font may not be available in Adobe Premier Pro or other editing software, but I felt that I needed a better idea of what typography/titles I wanted whilst in the initial editing stages. Hence I have downloaded copyright free fonts from the website DaFont. I downloaded a few onto my computer; they were labelled as free for personal use. The one below is more the type I am looking for is labelled 100% free, so I'm going to experiment with this.
It is called Drakoheart Leiend Bold, and was created by G3Typefaces.

For the moment I am trying out the fonts in purple, as it is a significant colour in my trailer (the Evil Queen is wearing a purple gown/cloak) and it is a gender neutral, representing how there is not a stereotype of either gender watching fantasy films).

Potential film titles (for trailer)
Never Before is a twist on the fantasy concept of Ever After. The adverb 'never' also provides the trailer with negative connotations that dark films often carry because of the harrowing or scary narratives that they have. "Never Before" also has an element of unexpectedness, as if it has not been seen. Before links to the fact that the Evil Queen doesn't want there to be a happily ever after.
Possible film title 1

Possible film title 2

Malediction is loaded with more fantastical connotations as it is a synonym for curse, which is essentially what the Evil Queen is doing to the land [putting it under a curse]. "Mal" is associated with bad things, as a lot of words that start with this, for example malnourishment, malicious, have negative meanings. It may be too similar to Maleficent, which is a 2014 dark fantasy film. 

Possible film title 3
Crown is a noun with fantastical connotations, it is usually what royals and rulers of kingdoms wear. Therefore a crown is a symbol of power and status, I want to make this attribute of the Evil Queen clear. Fallen then subverts this idea because it is suggestive of helplessness and powerlessness. Despite it saying "fallen" beforehand, I think this title may confuse the audience as the Evil Queen is not wearing a crown.

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