Monday 19 December 2016

Evaluation of Filming Day 2

Overview of progress
The progress I made was good, I was able to get extreme close ups of the Evil Queen with proper lighting equipment. Additionally I got footage of marchers/people which will add greater depth to the narrative. The internal location allowed me to convey a contrast between industrial and natural settings. As I had the shots that I wanted planned out beforehand, it sped up the process significantly.

Problems faced
One of the problems I faced was that I was unsure how to the set the lighting, so we had to try lots of different shots before settling on the right place. The first few shots especially were futile due to overexposure. Another problem was that was time consuming to get the marchers to march in time with another!

Overcoming these problems
Initial problems with lighting were largely resolved by putting a purple filter/material in front of the light as I liked the effect this had. Marching in time with one another was achieved as the cast got used to the rhythm.

Managing Health and Safety Risks
A responsible adult (one of my teachers, Mr Osborne) was present when filming to accompany us. I was aware of how to operate the camera equipment as so to avoid any damages/breakages and made sure those helping me were aware of my intentions. (Under approval from OCR, I can have someone operate/assist with the operation of the camera.) We were all careful around lighting and electricity.

Filming (and Improvising) the Footage 
Most of the shots were filmed successfully. I attempted to film from a range of different angles, using a variety of shot types. Lara's nails looked different to what they did in the previous shoot though this was in many ways good because I wanted to communicate contrasts and the progression of time. From my research, I know that trailers rarely follow a linear structure. When I went to film the marchers' feet I was unable to get the tripod in the desired position so I had to film handheld footage. At first, I was worried about the stability of this but it turned out alright. 

Overall Evaluation
Overall the day was successful as I tried my best to get all the shots I needed at this location, and was able to adapt to the situation, improvising when necessary. The day may have been better if the lighting was sorted sooner, but some degree of experiment was inevitably required. 

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