Monday 21 November 2016

Evaluation of Filming Day One

Overview of progress
The progress I made was good, I was able to get the footage involving the Evil Queen, and as I had the shots that I wanted planned out beforehand, it sped up the process greatly.

Problems faced
One of the problems I faced was that I was unable to film at one of my locations, The Gothic House, because it was inaccessible using the buggy I had hired to help reach locations quicker. Another problem was that as Stowe Landscape Gardens is a public place, there were occasionally other members of the public in the shot.

Overcoming these problems
I was able to improvise by using a location, Rotunda, instead of The Gothic House. This is still a landmark/temple which would be suggestive of the fantastical elements that I need in my trailer, relating to the genre. I was able to overcome the problem of other people being in the shot by letting them know when I was filming and when I wasn't, the majority of people were already cautious about stepping in front of the camera, or I asked them to move for a short amount of time. Other times this wasn't possible. For example, at the Temple of Concord Victory, a family was having a photoshoot. For the most part they were kept out of the shot. However, where this was not possible I am going to crop them out of the shot during the editing process.

Weather Conditions
Whilst filming these scenes, the weather was dry and fair. Although a murkier, colder or wet day may have been better for the dark and scary element of my trailer, filming was easier to carry out - I didn't have to worry about getting it wet, Lara, my father or myself getting cold. If I feel it is necessary I can change/add a filter when editing the footage.

Managing Health and Safety Risks

A responsible adult was present when filming to accompany Lara and myself. My father knew how to drive the buggy and had passed the test that Stowe required him to take. I ensured that my father knew how to operate the equipment beforehand as so to avoid any damages/breakages (Under approval from OCR, I can have someone operate/assist with the operation of the camera.)I directed the shots and made sure he was aware of my intentions and what I wanted. One of the scenes required  Lara to eat an apple. I checked that she was not intolerant/allergic to apples beforehand as so to keep her safe and in good health. 

Filming (and Improvising) the Footage 
Most of the shots were filmed successfully. I attempted to film from a range of different angles, using a variety of shot types. However, some shots I was unable to film (like the Evil Queen waking up). Therefore I filmed close ups instead. If I decide to do a photoshoot to gain stills for my poster, I could do this then. The reason I couldn't film the shot was because I was filming at an external location, it would not have been sensible to lie down outside where it was very muddy/dirty. On the day there was good natural lighting because it was sunny. I decided to experiment with this light and shoot footage of the Evil Queen walking to the front of the temple with sunlight cast on her. This gives the idea of it being a "new day" and subverts the connotation of light being positive, referring more to the connotation of fire. It will be interesting to have sun in a dark fantasy film, and look at how I can make the sinister element clear. 

Overall Evaluation
Overall the day was successful as I tried my best to get all the shots I needed at this location, and was able to adapt to the situation, improvising when necessary. The day may have been more productive if the location was quieter, but as Stowe is a public place this was inevitably difficult. My storyboard would have been more conformed to if I was able to use the locations that I had planned, but it was alright because I was able to improvise. 

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