Wednesday 22 June 2016

How has my research informed my choice of product?

My research has confirmed my initial thoughts that I would like to produce a full trailer. Although this is longer and therefore take longer to produce, I feel that a full trailer will allow me to explore the narrative better, and display a more complex use of editing. As a result, I hope that it will be a better platform on which I can exhibit my skills. I wish to show progression from my AS work to A2, which I want to be more sophisticated. Note that I have only analysed one full trailer so far because of the fact that there is more to discuss with full trailers, so the analysis is different.

What have I learned?
I have learned through analysing mise en scene, editing, camera and sound that there are a number of conventions which the majority of trailers follow. I am going to conform to some of these conventions when I produce my own trailer. I feel as if my research has expanded my knowledge of the editing used in trailers, as it is a compilation of footage it makes editing a pivotal part of a trailer.

What do I need to do next?
Next, I want to have a more in depth look at the conventions of full trailers, as teaser and full trailers have different purposes. I also want to make a firm decision with regards to the genre of the trailer.

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